Results Matter

LucidDogTraining Educate

Verizon Wireless “Results Matter” Commercial


“Why do results matter so much? It’s probably because they are the measurement of everything we do…Because the only thing that really matters are the results you get.”


Isn’t that the truth?  What I hear from people over and over again, is, “I paid all this money for training, and then when we got home, it didn’t work!  Rover went back to the same old stuff!”  To the average training-seeking consumer, results matter.  Unfortunately, that’s the kind of training experience that most people endure before either a.) giving up or b.) seeking out additional help.


When this Verizon commercial came on, my ears immediately perked up when I heard talk of the importance of results.  People pay for and expect results.  Results determine whether someone advances to the next grade, earns a certification, or saves a life.  Results shape the course of action, and because of it, they matter.  What happens when a dog hasn’t mastered the basic “Come” recall?  It can be the difference between life and death.  Results matter.  It’s as simple as that.


When all of the books are gone and practices have wrapped up, what’s left?  What you’ve learned and what you can replicate.  Results matter.

LucidDogTrainingResults Matter